Maturity Scale
The maturity scale is a way to indicate the level of robustness of any pattern in this style guide. New patterns should be released into the style guide following these rules, assess each pattern independently.


Includes everything in the Planned and Draft phases, as well as:

  • Pattern works in multiple configurations, and with other patterns in the Style Guide.
  • Pattern is usable, on multiple devices/browsers.
  • Pattern considers people with multiple disabilities (blind, low vision, cognitive disabilities, motor disabilities, low language skills, low digital literacy, etc.).
  • Pattern has been reviewed by internal/external teams.
  • The pattern has passed any heuristic assessments.
  • Documentation is complete.


The pattern or style is currently live in online products.


  • Pattern is no longer fit for purpose
  • It should be removed from production, and will be removed from the Style Guide in due course.